Lebron James

I want to meet lebron james.  He is the best basket ball player in the world I want to meet him because I want to get better at basket ball so when i grow up I will be good as him.  We would play computer games. Lebron james was born in December 30, 1984 he is 33 right now. LeBron James in High School. LeBron James was perhaps the most heralded high school player in history while at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in Akron, Ohio.Sep 7, 2011. LeBron James Will Be an NBA Owner, Possibly NFL, Too, Says Business Partner. After signing a four-year $153 million deal to play for the Los Angeles Lakers, LeBron James may already be thinking about his streams of revenue after retiring from the NBA. t. Vincent St. Mary High. 

My job when grow up

Whenever I got 8 I liked to learn about Engineering. My dad has a lot of tractors when some break down I always help him and I learn something new like power steering its what makes a vehicle turn easily but when I got 10 I desided to be an disenier engineer I am start

Chrome book

When I left My 3rd block teacher I went to my locker and but all my stuff in the front bag in my book bag so I put my chrome book on the front bag when i Usually put it in the back when I got in my 4th block teacher / fit lab on a B day I changed my cloths and then o Opened my back bag then I realized that i did see it Then I felt dum and i told the teacher if i could get my chrome book she said yes so i went down the hall speed walking than Dr patents told me to slow down little so i did then when i got in the 6th grade hallway all of the classrooms where empty no lights or teacher so I went to my 3rd block teacher the door was locked then i was really worried but luckily there was janitors there so one of them asked “you need help” i said that my Chromebook was in there so she opened the door then she said close the door when u leave she said I said yes and i found a Chromebook on the teacher’s desk so i grabbed it then i went back to my 4th block and I when remembered that my Chromebook had almost 100% of battery and the chrome book took wile to turn on and it fanaly turned on it had almost 100% battery so it was my Chromebook so when my 4th block ended I change cloth and and but my Chromebook back in my book bag then i left home when i was doing my homework my mom noticed 2 Chromebooks I was surprised and worried i will get in troble when I got back in school I told my 3rd block teacher that It was a long story she said its ok i was stressed.


Snake at beach

Here is an example what it would look like. This is terrifying

When I was at the beach and in the water I went far and deep with my dad then I was looking in the water and I saw something black in a shape of a rope swigging. I was scared at this point and I told my dad then the wave came in and this was bad because I was very deep in water after the wave came then I was worried that it was going to bit me so I swim’d as fast as I could and gladly survived but that was my scariest part in my life or I think It was really terrible. I went again in the water to see and it was gone but i got out of the water and still warned the life guard of the snake that was in the ocean so if a person found it a person could get it. Something I didn’t know that snaked could swim. And it was a rattle snake witch made it two time’s worse and think are posing.


One person I admire is Tfue. Tfue is the the 1st best player in fortnite. His 5k dollar account got banned. And he doesn’t like to buy stuff anymore from fortnite. Tfue is married. Tfue used to be a Halo or call of duty player but thats why I think he’s the best player in fortnite. Tfue is Faze group.


Today Somebody asked me if I would rather stay in my job making little money than getting a new job and making more money. But since i’m only 12 and i only make like 10$-30$ a day or wait till Friday I will get 80$ and i work with my dad. But anyways if I get a new job and make more money it will be harder because you will probably wake up earlier and come back more late and come back more late. This is why i would keep my job with making little money

I will keep my job because if i get a new one it will be harder to get use to it like waking up early.

If i get a new job waking up in the morning’s will be hard and i will come back late.

And since this job is going to make a lot of money it will be a long job like from 6 am to 8 pm.


About Eric!

One thing about me is i like Cars/Trucks and i want to be a engineer designer when i get in college. And i am from mexico. My family is from Mexico.  On weekends I like to Play Fortnite.