
I really liked the nature walk I was impressed by the beaver damn. I liked how the tress where angled falling. I liked the little insects on the tress.

Beaver Damn. The beaver damn logs where turning green/rotting. The beaver damn made beautiful water sounds. The beaver damn has very tall.

Tress Angle position. I liked how the trees where falling down. There where small/big logs on the floor. The logs had bees/hornets inside the weak logs.

Colorful insects There are so many colorful insects like spiders, The coolest one I found was a brite red spider. There where hornets in that weak log I said and I think I got stung by one

Thats why I liked the nature walk I liked the cool little insects,trees,beaver damn. I wish i could of stayed their longer.

My Happy Summer :D

My summer was amazing. I played a lot of soccer with my cousin and with some other friends. I also played a lot of video games with my cousin while I was in summer. I planted a peach tree.

I always play soccer with my cousin in team. I play soccer every evening to night then sleep then again. I am best at soccer my favorite sport and i always mostly win.

I really love to play video games every day especially combat games like fortnite. I was so exited when i went to EA games where you watch people live playing games. I always play with my cousin in the games we both do it daily.

I had to dig a hole to plant my peach tree and it was hard because it had to dig it very deep because of how long the roots where. After that I had to put it in the hole and someone had to hold it while i had to put the dirt back in the side. After that i put water,fertilizer,posin so bugs dont eat the peaches. Its been 6 months and it is really big peach tree.


She gets shot in the head because she still goes to school. The swat valley girls school closed on Jan 15, 2009. She did’t quit school. Malala was Brave and kept on going. Malala cares about getting an education. Malala says it is important for girls to get an education.


I care about my Xbox.

Expensive. The Xbox is 500$.  If you brake the Xbox you have to pay a lot of money like 300$.  The Xbox can cost more than 500 when it was 700$ when it came out or released.

Friends.  In Xbox you can have a lot of friends.  The friends you had are hard to find. The friends have to accept your friend request becuase they don’t know you.

Rare.  Xbox is very hard to find.  The Xbox is even very hard to find on sites like ebay.  Stores don’t sell Xbox anymore thats how rare they are

Christmas Break

I had a amazing Christmas break.   My family cook out. I danced. I played video games.

ON Christmas we had a cook out.  We buy’d the food first thing morning.   We warmed up the grill while my mom prepares the food like beef,chicken.   we made a desert chocolate strawberry.

We danced a lot of music like cha cha slide dance. While I was dancing I triped on the floor :[ .



My family has a lot of traditions. We party. We eat dinner. We visit cousins.

We have a party. We put music to dance. We made Rozelle and other stuff. We play games like cards.

We make a big dinner.  We make chicken for dinner. We eat Gingerbread cookies for dessert. We also eat beef witch my family does most.

My cousins visit.  We play games/trampoline. We make snores. We watch movies.

These are the traditions my family has on a special day.

Eric’s Word Cloud

I have alot of character traits. I am Humorous. I am generous. I am polite.

I am humorous.  I make everyone in my class laugh.  like one time I trip and fell on the floor. I make very weird faces like on time I did one and and some say it funny and some say I look like a demon. I prank a lot of people. Like one time I put a scary background in someone’s Chromebook and boo they got surprised.


I am generous. I am very giving. I sometimes give people candy. I help a lot of people like this person dropped his stuff on the floor and I helped them. I share my stuff like my eraser and pencils or even Chromebook or charger.


I am polite. I am polite like holding doors for people around me. I am patient like waiting for food that takes like 20 mins :[ . I eat with a spoon or fork put i do sometimes do eat with my hand tho. but I am polite most of the time.





I do not want to be Richard Cory.  He is serious.  He does pay workers much.  He shot himself.


I don’t don;t want to be serious.  I want to have fun.  I like riding bikes.  I like playing.


He was unfair to his workers.  He didn’t pay much money.  I will pay them more.  I will be nice to them.


He shoot himself.  He was dumb and shoot himself.  He was crazy of he he did.



If you are not fimilar with off roading then you are missing all the fun. Off Roading is when you go out in the dirt/mud or even hills places that you go and its alot of fun like. I go off roading in my bike It is a great bike with 2WD that I installed and oh buy It was hard I had to get rid of the gears then the screws but finally got the second transmission on it then the worst part putting it the gears tires back and also I put new grip tires on my bike so as I was talking after that I I had to cut holes and got the transmission on the front It took 1 hour do that stuff then I took off the front tires that wasent hard I put the transmission,gears and new tires again and I also got slight better brakes that helped so once finished that was 2 hours. Now I was putting stuff on my bike like a front and back reflection light then I put lights front and a little one on the back. Then I put a tire repair kit along with a air compressor that makes air with a handle you push. After that I put my phone holder so when the steering Is. Then finally but not last I put a huge water bottle under my seat so when I get thirsty. All that took me 30 mins. after that I had to put a suspension system so I it comfortable becuase It will be terrible ride the suspension makes it bouncy for a smooth ride but once I put all the suspension I was ready to rock in roll in my bike I was ready to off road all in 3 hours. But this is how I built my off road bike I like to use In my free time.

Mexican language

I think Mexicans should learn a little bit of English before they come to america so that when they come ether a car way or plane once they get there there is going to be people that will unload your suit case they will probably be Spanish when you get there. But also so when you go to a restaurant but a Mexican pretty much will go a a Mexican restaurant I always go a Mexican restaurant but I do go to Bojangles,McDonald and places like that I some times go. But Mexicans should be treated good like if a american went to mexico or another places. but this is why I think Mexicans should be treated like that. My dad had a similar thing but i don’t know if he had a problem but he moved here because his brother was here and he knew English and I think he went with him very where maybe not Mexican restaurants but he learned his English by hearing people taking English and now 2018 he can speak good English. And we can go in all places now. But this is why I think Mexicans should be treated good.