
My family has a lot of traditions. We party. We eat dinner. We visit cousins.

We have a party. We put music to dance. We made Rozelle and other stuff. We play games like cards.

We make a big dinner.  We make chicken for dinner. We eat Gingerbread cookies for dessert. We also eat beef witch my family does most.

My cousins visit.  We play games/trampoline. We make snores. We watch movies.

These are the traditions my family has on a special day.

Eric’s Word Cloud

I have alot of character traits. I am Humorous. I am generous. I am polite.

I am humorous.  I make everyone in my class laugh.  like one time I trip and fell on the floor. I make very weird faces like on time I did one and and some say it funny and some say I look like a demon. I prank a lot of people. Like one time I put a scary background in someone’s Chromebook and boo they got surprised.


I am generous. I am very giving. I sometimes give people candy. I help a lot of people like this person dropped his stuff on the floor and I helped them. I share my stuff like my eraser and pencils or even Chromebook or charger.


I am polite. I am polite like holding doors for people around me. I am patient like waiting for food that takes like 20 mins :[ . I eat with a spoon or fork put i do sometimes do eat with my hand tho. but I am polite most of the time.